This is a WTF Wednesday, only on Thursday because I was too busy sexting my boyfriend all day yesterday like a HUGE creep. I’m usually the calmer one of this group, try to see the logical side of every situation, not get worked up over petty things, etc. However, this week a few coworkers of mine sent me into the LAND OF RAGE. On Monday, this old broad that I work with asked me to cover for her in the afternoon. I said I would (after I rolled my eyes of course) and spent the afternoon doing HER STUPID WORK. The following day, I needed her to cover for me for the grand total of 15 minutes… did you hear that people HALF OF A F-ING HALF AN HOUR. This bitch had the nerve to throw a thousand excuses my way and put up a fight about it. Now I ask you, how does this make any flippin’ sense? Are you really that selfish and rude that you can’t do me a solid THE DAY AFTER I covered for your fugly ass all day? Really people, this is riDONKulous. After she acted like a huge CyoUNextTuesday, she agreed to do it and then later apologized for being such a rag. I thought the worst was over. NOPE. Low and behold she mentioned something about not having enough people in the office at once to the bossman and now my crew & I can’t go to lunch together anymore. THIS FUCKING BITCH. Seriously, I have never met such a catty old bag in all my life. It doesn’t help that her side-kick is the most annoying person on the planet and the 2 of them together are like gasoline on an open flame. I think they should both pull the sticks out of their asses and dust the cob webs off their vajines & get laid once in a while so we don’t have to deal with their BS on a daily basis.
Ok. Now I feel better. Amazing what a little bitch session can do for you.
Ok. Now I feel better. Amazing what a little bitch session can do for you.
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