OK. So the kidney infection may have just been a little accident- but seriously, dating someone that lives almost 800 miles away is PAINFULLLLL. Especially right now in that fun, exciting beginning of a relationship when you really love the other person and just want to spend every waking moment with them. How come we couldn’t be long distance like after a year & a half, when the sight of him alone gets on my nerves? Usually about that time in a relationship I’m ready to have a serious break from the dude. Nope, not this time I guess. I get the pleasure of having to deal with holding it together over here when I am like a dog in heat and just want to jump his bones every other day. OH-MY-LANTA.
But honestly, this long distance stuff is no picnic. While it’s true, I’d rather have him far away than not at all (because he’s so SMOKIN’ HOT); I have to throw a small pity party for myself once in awhile because we never see each other. Ok, now I’m done complaining. I’m just going to be happy that I’ve found someone I love a lot and that treats me better than anyone ever has in my entire life. And it really doesn’t hurt that he’s easy on the eyes. Hopefully it won’t be too many more months of airfare and stretched PTO days before we can be together permanently. As for now, I’ll continue bitching about the distance issue and drinking wine until I forget all about it. CHEERS BITCHES!
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