Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Upon encouragement from my fellow bloggers I have decided to post more of my hippie ideas. Mainly because… well… they are crazy. And I think this may be the perfect forum to put that craziness out there.

I am what I like to call a “hippie” on the inside. I am EXTREMELY passionate about environmental sustainability, conserving natural resources, and basically taking better care of the ONLY planet that humans can survive on.

But I say I’m only a “hippie” on the inside because on the outside I am a 5 inch heel wearing, hightlighted hair supporting, nail polish obsessed, cocktail dress wearing girly girl. And damn proud of it.

But back to those insides. Literally. In my quest for making myself as crunchy as possible I read and devour just about every piece of literature, documentary, email, or magazine that give me new information. And a few days ago I stumbled upon this blog article.

Now. I have heard of the Diva Cup before, I actually have a family member that has used it and really liked it. But the thought for me personally to use a cup I catch period blood in seemed a little too crunchy even for me.

Then I read that article. And was so intrigued by the waste saved from ditching the conventional tampons I decided to send the article out to my sounding board ( i.e friends) and see what they had to say. They of course were disgusted and thought I was just as crazy as usual. Still, I am intrigued.

Now, I don’t know when or how I am going to get the courage to stick a plastic cup up my who – ha once a month, but I honestly think I want to try.

Does that make me weird? Perhaps.

Does it make me crunchy? Definitely.

Would it save our precious soil from an additional 330 POUNDS of waste that I would personally contribute in my lifetime? Abo-fucking-lutely. And well that may be all the motivation I need.


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