Friday, September 2, 2011

Masculine vs. Feminine

Which are you?

It seems simple, girl=feminine…boy=masculine. Apparently that is not the case…according to the ever wise Nancy Drew.

(Credit: stolen from the one and only Millionaire Matchmaker)

Here’s the scoop…some girls and guys give off masculine or feminine vibes and they can be different than your actual gender. Guys can be feminine and girls can be masculine…and vice versa. This logic is based mostly on traditional female and male roles…example: guys open car doors, girls wait for car door to be opened…and how you handle situations.

What am I? Masculine. I don’t have time to be waiting on you to open my door…I’m perfectly capable. And I’m not asking you to hang that new cabinet for the bathroom until I have failed so miserably that I’ve basically ruined the wall. I’m a “do shit myself kind of girl” even if it is less than pleasant…well, except for taking out the trash…I only do that if there seriously is no one else to do it…don’t know why but in my mind that’s a guy’s duty.

So, how did this girl that loves to cook, sew and be generally domestic (with the exception of cleaning) become masculine? There’s no scientific answer…but I’m pretty sure that it’s due to the fact that I was raised by a single mom who was an “I can do it by myself and I don’t need a man…but I’d like one” kind of lady. What can I say? Like mother like daughter.

I was told that I wouldn’t attract the kind of guy I wanted until I learned to be more feminine…I say f*#& that! I’m looking for a man that is manlier than me…a REAL MAN. That is strong enough for me to trust him enough to be “The Man.” That will take care of me and take the heavy shit out of my stubborn ass hands and make me rest so I don’t end up all sore and cranky later from doing more than my 5’3” body can handle.

So there Patti! Take that and shove it up your hoo-ha. :P

**Disclaimer: The vibes that you send out into the universe are not directly correlated to sexual preference (nope, I’m not gay) or karma. Statements are profoundly un-scientific and should be taken with a grain of salt.**

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