Who We Are.

We are a group of friends who, over cocktails of course, BONDED over our similarities, despite all of our differences.  We came together because of our ridiculous work situations, the men boys we like to keep around (and maybe some we don't), our distrust for the non-drinker (how do you people survive?!?) and our common urge to choke-slam those girls - you know the kind we're talking about. We relish in being honest... brutally honest, and after laughing our asses off at each other for long enough, we've decided to share our honesty with you. CHEERS!
LOVES yoga, running, and red wine, preferably all at the same time.
LOATHES ignorance, rude people, and Angelina Jolie (bitch is a husband stealer).
Is ADDICTED to recycling, and has no problem making people feel guilty for killing the planet.
THINK’S there should be an IQ test to have kids…. No seriously.
SWEAR’S being married is a blast... at least when football isn’t on.

LOVES adventures – especially random road trips that lead me to a hammock and a fully stocked tiki bar
OFTEN can be found watching TiVo (probably Bravo) or out to eat with her girlfriends… probably talking about what we just watched on Bravo….
HATES mouthy bitches who have obviously never had a good ‘ol fashioned spanking (Mama get the hickory stick!!) 
WISHES carbs were a major food group and that mashed potatoes came standard with every meal
Absolutely LOVES taking vacations and thinks Friday @ 5 is the greatest time on earth.
Seriously BELIEVES drinks and dancing make everything better.
DESPISES pickles (yes, even fried pickles), jager-bombs, close-minded people and d-bags.
Has a slight ADDICTION to college basketball which can sometimes lead to emotional meltdowns. 
Can OFTEN be found tearing up the town with my crew at our favorite watering hole.
Is BAFFLED (and so are all of her friends) that I’ve found such a stud to settle down with when I was convinced I might not be able to ever give up being single & free.

BELIEVES that a night in your pj’s with a bottle of wine and a good chick flick is good for the soul.
HATES double standards, hypocrites and people that talk just to hear the sound of their own voice…get over yourself…because she’s already over you.
Is OBSESSED with traveling…and wipes out her savings account regularly so that she can scratch the travel bug itch.
DREAMS of a relationship with her live-in boyfriend where she doesn’t have to compete with the Xbox…haha, right.
LOVES to try new things despite the mini-panic attack that ensues.

Loves drinking white wine with ice cubes in it (Don’t hate), The color Pink, and making inside jokes with his friends
Hates Liars, friends who change, or you loose contact with, as SOON as they get a boyfriend……..and cankels (seriously creepy)
Is Addicted to being the center of attention and is usually seen doing dumb or slutty things to acquire it
Wishes he could get married (legally) and pregnant….but not necessarily in that order
Is known for unintentionally giving back-handed compliments…a trait he picked up from his mother Big Deb no doubt
and has a unholy Obsession with all things Britney Spears.