Thursday, May 5, 2011

20 vs 25

For my 20th birthday, I was in Panama City Beach with about 20 of my sorority sisters… not sleeping until DAYS into being 20.  For my 25th birthday I was at dinner at a local bar with about 10 of my best friends.

For one of my best friends 20th birthdays, we spent it on a bar crawl – regretting about every minute of that night the next day when we woke up somewhere we had not been before, scrambling on our tip toes to find each other in that house without waking anyone else!  For her 25th birthday she is at work and will be spending the evening hanging out with her fiancé at his house. 

Not nearly as cool.

20 was a blast and I’m not sure if at this point you can ever go back to being AS CRAZY as you were at 20.  Sure, I can go out and get hammered with a bunch of my girlfriends, but at the end of the day I’m more responsible than I was then and I’m sure I could never let something that happened when I was 20 happen now that I’m 25.  
Is that a good or bad thing?
I dreamed last night about my 20 year old boyfriend.  Ya know, THAT boyfriend that you strung along for a couple years in your life, that you thought you would never get over, that rocked your world on a regular basis.  It made me realize the differences in being 20 vs being 25.  Both good, one a little more uncertain and exciting, and one definitely more stable and fulfilling.   
Being 25 doesn't mean the end of excitement.  I’m promising myself to have more FUN and considering Cinco de Mayo my new *birthday.  My unwind a couple years, birthday!  I vow to have MORE younger 20s moments and LESS upper 20s moments.  So CHEERS to being 25 and partying like I’m 20 … just with SLIGHTLY different parameters.   Margaritas anyone?! 

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