Monday, May 16, 2011

Boycotts and Laziness

I apologize for my lack of posting lately. I have been boycotting Blogger lately. It deleted my post on Thursday that I really liked…and well I can’t usually re-write my posts. It’s one time only genius people…and I just can’t re-create magic like that…lol, right.

In truth, I was just too lazy to do it and it’s just not the same the second time around…it usually lacks that sardonic whit.  

Plus I’ve kind of been working non-stop and going to bed/falling asleep sitting up on the couch super duper early because of my 4:30 am wake up time...and my 80 hour work week that I stupidly signed myself up for. That’s right I get up at that un-godly hour...and yes, I am working 80 hours in 6 days straight. 

I know…excuses, excuses. One day I’ll become a motivated human being.

This is my official repeal of my boycott…but that’s all I got. Maybe by Thursday I can muster up the energy to do more…but until then…take a shot, drink a beer, or chug a glass of wine for me…because boy do I need it…

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