Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Hostile Alien Takeover

I’m afraid a strange transition has happened to me…and I’m not sure if I like it.

On Monday the boyfriend told me he was going to leave Wednesday and be out of town with his family until Sunday and I had my normal reaction. Relief that I get the house all to myself, frustration that I found out about it 2 days before he was going to leave (he is a huge procrastinator and anti-planner so I usually find out last minute about anything he’s doing) and a little jealous that I don’t get to go along and wine and dine on his family’s dollar (what?...his dad is loaded and has awesome taste in food and alcohol).

I planned a fun night with one of my girlfriends for the day he was leaving. We had a “Mexican Fiesta” meal and then watched Black Swan. OK, I admit…prob not the best combination…but normally I’m not really phased by much so I thought it would be no biggie. The movie definitely gave me the heeby jeebies more than once…all that scratching and ripping skin off was almost too much for me. I have a small phobia/aversion to people scratching things with their nails…like skin…or their jeans, that’s the worst…in fact, I’m still a little haunted by those scenes.

But that was not my problem. Once the movie ended and my friend left for the night…I realized that I was all alone in my apartment…and instantly got a little freaked out. I went around and closed all the blinds…which I normally leave wide open all the time. But it still didn’t help. The TV was on but it just felt way too quiet in my house. I decided to put my PJ’s on and hop in bed and hopefully just sleep off this weird feeling. I snuggled up in bed, turned on the TV…and listened to my neighbors thumping around upstairs. I still felt a little off…for no apparent reason. This is my normal routine. And I frequently go to bed before the bf is even home for the night…but for some reason it just didn’t feel right. I guess my subconscious knew that he would not be coming home and decided to torment me. Just great.

When did this needy, girly person take over my body? I’ve always been super independent and made fun of my friends that get freaked out when their significant other is away. Usually, I’m so pumped about having the place to myself that I can barely contain myself. I’m not used to relying on other people...and I like it that way. But somewhere along the way, I changed...without me noticing.

Have aliens taken over my body? I’m trying to see the positives…but so far I’m coming up empty. This is just freaking fabulous…

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