Friday, May 13, 2011

It's NOT 5 O'clock here yet!

Blogging is about the only thing I can do right now not to poke my eyes out. I'm SO bored at work and am literally glued to the clock watching every minute painfully pass by. Why why why do you to always do this to me Friday afternoons!?! I just want my weekend to start and to forget about work for 2 god damn days! I'm sure it is 5 o'clock somewhere, but the PROBLEM is that it's not fiveOfuckingClock here, is it?
The best part about Friday is that you always have so many great ideas and things to do once you are finally free from employment prison. It's usually too aggressive, you don't end up doing half the shit you wanted to and then Sunday night rolls around like a bad case of the herp and you are SERIOUSLY depressed that your weekend is over. At least that's how mine usually goes. "All the stuff I'm going to accomplish this weekend!" Yeah, well after I blackout on Friday and spend the entire sunny Saturday recovering from my bad behavior, it's a little hard to be productive.
But ya know what, who gives a shit? Even if you lay on your lazy ass for 2 days straight, stuff your face and the only form of exercise is to and from the fridge, it doesn't matter because you are NOT AT WORK! Happ Friday Mo'Fos'.

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