Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Welcome to Rageville

Well today is “WTF Wednesday”…and I am definitely in a what the fuck kind of mood…but there is no reason for this mood. Well, actually I could possibly blame it on my boyfriend who kept waking me up because he would burrito** himself in the covers…consequently leaving me cold…but honestly I doubt that’s the case. Or maybe it is…heck I don’t know. Maybe it’s the fact that my boss is quitting which leaves me very uncertain about the future of my job/career. Ugh. Just trying to figure out what’s wrong with me is pissing me off.

**burrito - verb : to hold onto one corner of the cover and roll like an alligator trying to kill it's prey until you have successfully wrapped yourself tightly in the entire a burrito

This past week/couple of weeks I’ve been on top of the world…in this awesome kind of zen place. I don’t know what has brought me crashing into Rageville today…but I do know that I want to rip everyone’s heads off Ozzy Osbourne style…remember the bat? Don’t worry, I’ve managed to talk myself down from such radical behavior…so far…but no promises for the rest of my 11 hour shift.

I may end up gaining 5 pounds today because the only thing keeping me sane is Dove dark chocolate candies. I’m literally using them like a cigarette smoker uses a nicotine patch. They are the only thing between me and an arrest.

Wish me luck on surviving the day without getting sent to jail.

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