Friday, July 22, 2011

Swimming, Drowning, Done

I like analogies.  Let’s just call my life the ocean.  Let’s just call me a gal who can’t swim.  And let’s just call the things going on in my life a tsunami.  Welcome to the waves!

 I have 1.5 billion projects going on at one my jobs, and about 4.9 million projects going on for my 2nd job.  IN ADDITION TO moving out of the place I’ve lived for over 2 years now, breaking up with my FIANCE, discovering my puppy has EPILEPSY and GIVING my parents my car (LOOONNNGGG STORY!)

Deep breath.

Writing that down just gave me heart palpitations.  I’m in over my heads and lordy, lordy, this gal can’t swim a lick!  I need someone to dive down and pull the plug so some of this water drains out and I can catch a little break.

G2G – life is calling and I g2 get busy!  

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