Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Happy Monday Tuesday Friends!

As I’m sure you have learned here on Straight Up, we are some girls that really like to bitch. It seems as if we generally don’t like life. And if you are under that impression you are sorely mistaken because we love life! We love it a lot.

So I decided that on a day that most people hate their lives and their waist band after a long holiday weekend, I will write a positive post. Or at the very least it won’t be a bitchy post. That counts for something right?!

I had an absolute blast this weekend with my friends. Seriously it was one for the record books. We had a deliciously crazy Sunday Funday with plenty of good food, cold drinks, and a game or two twelve of my all time favorite out door game, flip cup.

And I spent a lazy day by the pool yesterday followed by a cookout and the new Hangover movie.

All and all I can’t complain one damn bit about this weekend. It was pretty effing spectacular.

That’s right Tuesday, I just made you my bitch. By ummmm not bitching?!


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