Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Get a new job loser bc you suck at yours

Customer service is a hot button for me. Like a BIG one. It’s what I do everyday and what I have done for the past 11 years of my working career. You are getting paid to smile and be nice and make appropriate suggestions when necessary. It is not rocket science. It is not physically challenging. And if you don’t like to do those things then find another job loser.
I dropped a ton of money today (I bought 3 pairs of prescription glasses) and I found myself wishing that these people weren’t getting a commission from my sales because they were the worst salespeople I have ever encountered. I basically upsold myself on the features and only agreed to things because I knew about them. They didn’t explain the purpose for these upgrades…they just said I needed them and started adding them onto my bill. In what world is this OK?!? 
Then I went to Target and DSW and both the cashiers didn’t even make eye contact with me until I asked THEM how they were doing. They didn’t even try to be pleasant or smile and then I told them to have a good day…instead of the other way around.
Seriously people get it together!!!

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