Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Single Girl Rules

I may have been out of the game for a couple years now, but let me tell you that I HAVE NOT forgotten the rules - and I just might have written a few (I always did consider myself better at being single than being in a relationship!!!)

One of my girlfriend's from college called me tonight - and tells me about a new boy she met that she has a little crush on...  he hasn't called her since they hung out last Sunday (the first sober time they've ever hung out) ....*freaking out* she tells me she wants to text him and asks me what she should say...


DO NOT TEXT THE BOY.  DO NOT CALL THE BOY.  It REALLY IS that simple.  What are you going to say?  "Hey... so why haven't I heard from you in 3 days?!"  There is nothing you can say that doesn't make you sound desperate.  It's too new.  If he wants to talk to you, he will call you.. END. OF. RULE.  Write it down, single girls. 

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