Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Is 10:45 am on a Wednesday to early to start drinking?

When is just good enough…just not good enough anymore?

That’s the question I find myself asking this morning.

I’ve never been one to settle for just good enough. I am a perfectionist to the core…sometimes to a fault…especially with relationships. If I’m not going to put 100% into it…then I don’t want to do it…but if I am committed to something…I am fully committed…I am all in. I am also a hardcore romantic. I love the idea of chivalry. No I don’t need to be rescued…but it’s nice to have someone that would like to. I apply these ideals to my relationships. But I can’t seem to find the balance between perfection and settling. How do the fair maiden and the independent woman coincide peacefully? Is it a matter of finding the right guy? Is it a matter of setting realistic ideals? What if you think you’ve done both but something is still missing? Where is the line between being a nagging needy bitch…and standing up for your own happiness?

Ugh…pass me that bottle of red…it’s going to be an early drinking day for me…

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