Friday, August 5, 2011

Your dose of cheesiness for the day

I am quite proud of myself today…well, really lately…but today made it all official. I signed the lease for my new rental house today! OK, let me explain why I’m so pumped about this…

I am a huge procrastinator. I always put things off to the last minute…in school it worked to my advantage because I can bang out a super insightful and well thought out paper under pressure. In my personal life…it’s not so peachy.

I’ve been quite unhappy with my living situation for a while now but I have been putting off dealing with it. I have been living with my bf of 4 years for the past 2 years. And boy, has it been a challenge. First, it was the normal learning to live with someone else pains. For example, he has a weird aversion to anything not being pushed flush against the wall…no caddy-corner anything for him...even if it looks stupid and makes no sense. Stuff like that I can handle. We can find a happy middle ground where we’re both happy.

Then came the challenges of living with your significant other. You know, the complacency that creeps up. In the beginning you’re a normal couple dressing up and going out for date nights…and then eventually you get more and more comfortable. All of a sudden date night consists of eating your dinner on separate couches in your pj’s watching tv and not really even talking.

This is not OK for me. My love language is quality time and this was just not making me feel fulfilled. I expressed this time upon time but we could not seem to get out of our rut. The boy doesn’t completely get the difference between eating dinner together and spending quality time together…while eating dinner. It’s all about the nuances like eating at the table with the TV off, looking at each other and having conversations about our dreams and goals…it’s really not about the food at all, it’s about nurturing our connection to each other. This isn't our only problem of course but I'm not trying to write a novel here. Anyways, enough deep relationship crap.

I was a walking ball of stress over it. I wasn’t happy so I was making him and other people in my life miserable because of it. Finally, mid-rant one morning Mrs. Two Buck Chuck swooped in with her wisdom. Why don’t I move out? Not break up, but just move out. See if I can take away some of the convenience and make him work for it and prove to me that he can be what I need. It was like a light bulb went off in my head and angels were singing from that was something I could commit to. Such a simple solution but bc I was in the situation I couldn’t wrap my head around it. Coincidentally, Elle Woods needed a roommate so the timing was perfect. I’m all about things happening for a reason and all this was a sign I just couldn’t ignore. I told the bf I was moving out, made up my mind (admittedly after a little hemming, hawing and fretting) and just did it.

We just signed our lease to the new house today and I move in about 2 weeks. I’m on top of the freaking world and I’m so glad that I didn’t put this decision off any longer. For once, I’m not 2 steps behind life and I like it. Shit like this reminds me that I need to always keep in mind a philosophy/quote I came up with a while ago after being super bummed bc I missed an opportunity due to my nasty procrastination habit:

“The power of inaction is sometimes astonishing. It becomes like a top spinning out of control.”

My life was definitely a top spinning out of control…and it still kind of is…but in a much more positive way. I’m excited about what the future holds for me and I’m just trying to hold on for the ride.

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