Tuesday, February 7, 2012

White Girl Dancing

So I went to my first Zumba class last night in an effort to melt off the 10 pounds that I’ve managed to pack back on over the past 3 months. Ten extra pounds on a 5'3" girl...not so cute.

The Positives:

It was a good cardio workout that I didn’t feel totally miserable through because I had to put enough mental energy into trying to keep up with the steps that I didn’t really spend time dwelling on the fact that I was tired…the music helped too.
The Negatives:

The instructor was Latina and the entire class was mostly ethnic…except for me, Elle and one other lone white girl. I don’t care about the ratio…I care about the fact that I can’t grind my hips in a plie position and I sure as hell can’t pop my booty like she was doing. Come on, help a white girl out. Thankfully the lone white girl seemed to know what was going on so Elle and I just watched her and mimicked her modified white girl moves.

The instructor changed the song on what looked like an iPod instead of having a play list. It kind of took away from the whole “I’m dancing and not really working out” zone out that I was trying to stay in. Dance party all night I’m up for…cardio workout for one hour, no thank you.

 GOOD :)

 BAD :(

The instructor really didn’t give any instructions or queues so you had to try to see through the very full class of people to find out what movement you were supposed to be doing…thank God I had a good view of white girl. And when the instructor did give queues her mic really didn’t work so all I could hear was random yelling directed at the wall of mirrors in the front of the room instead of us.

Moral of the story: If you're a white girl in a Zumba class with no booty popping skills...you better hope there's an experienced white girl that you can cheat off of.

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