Wednesday, February 8, 2012

WTF Wednesday

I’ve got a list of what the fuck’s for ya today that culminate into one big cluster fuck of a what the fuck kind of day…

  1. I slept like shit…and woke up 2 hours BEFORE my alarm clock went off.
  2. Every time I eat something crunchy or have to open my mouth wide it’s excruciating. I must have been grinding my teeth last night because my jaw seriously HURTS.
  3. When I woke up this morning I thought my hair looked good enough to just straighten and go since I showered the night before. I got to work and realized that I actually looked like a T-Bird straight outta Grease. Guess I should look a little closer next time as I assess myself through bleary eyes in the morning.
  4. To add insult to injury, about 2 hours into my workday I realized I also forgot deodorant in my morning haze of getting ready.
  5. On the way home there was construction on one lane of traffic so I attempted to merge into the un-closed lane. As I’ve got my blinker on and am turning to see if I have room to get in some asshole swerves in front of me (no blinker) so I have to slam on my brakes…he then proceeds to come to a complete stop before finally continuing his rude swerve across lanes into the left turn lane. Needless to say, I laid on my horn and yelled a few very unlady-like expletives.
  6. Less than 2 minutes later I almost burst into tears….FOR NO FREAKING REASON. I fucking hate female hormones.
And that ladies and gentleman is a big ole’ WHAT THE FUCK for ya this Wednesday.

Sorry for the lack of pics today...use your imagination people...I just don't have it in me.

I think using the word fuck actually makes me feel a little better….FUCK FUCK FUCK
FUCK FUCK…yep, definitely helps. :)

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