Tuesday, June 7, 2011

cyber sluts

While listening to Matt & Ramona (per usual) yesterday afternoon, I caught them mid-conversation on “who would you rather vote for” the politician that physically cheats on his wife or the politician that sends creepy pics of his hoo-ha to his slutty cyber hooker? ( Really?  These are my options?) 
There was conversation that while, yes, the pics are creepy, the act is more forgivable, because he didn’t physically cheat – which brings me to this – IT. IS. CHEATING.
A girl I know encountered a situation where her husband decided it wouldn’t be THAT BIG OF A DEAL to have cyber sex with some lady whooorreee he had met online.  They exchanged photos, emails and IMs about all the things they wanted to do to each other.  Creepy?  Yes – but he was a seemingly normal guy, so I can’t say the politician we’re discussing wasn’t otherwise normal….. just horny as hell with no flesh light or golden girl to… uh… ease his frustration. 
She forgave him for this…. twice… they suffered through marriage counseling and pretend to be fine, though this was quite devastating for her.  Cheating is cheating is cheating is cheating and leaves the same emotional scars for the person being cheated on whether it was a physical/emotional or now I guess, TECHNOLOGICAL form of cheating!!      
In today’s world, computers/ipads/cell phones create the feeling of being 1 on 1 with someone in the room.  If you are willing to VIRTUALLY put your hoo-ha in some slutbags meatloaf, then that is THE SAME TO ME as doing it in person. 
The computer only creates a physical barrier… it does not create an emotional or visual one.  It is not protection from fault, and it is not forgivable. 
Let me make my point clear… cheating online is NOT the same as looking at porn, or even doing some kind of creepy virtual porn (does that exisit?!).  It is a REAL PERSON on the other side of the camera communicating with YOU, a MARRIED/UNAVAILABLE man about completely inappropriate things, such as the color of your nipples or how low your saggy meat bags hang! 

I am not a fan… and this is not okay… and dearest future husband, your ass is getting left for this… so DON’T go there, because your mama may not ever be able to locate all the pieces of your body.  

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