Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Girl on Girl?

Howdy Yall!

Did that sound to southern?! I hope Tuesday is treating everyone splendidly. And if it’s not:  no worries, just open a bottle of vodka when you get home and watch the worries melt away.


I have to express a little girl on girl love today. Anyone that knows me personally knows I have a few girl crushes; some of them make more sense then others. I.e… Martha Stewart and Jennifer Aniston ( Marthas a powerful bitch.... dont judge me). But this wino does not discriminate I have all sorts of room for girl lovin in my heart.

But none quite as strong and deep as my love for this little lady.

Yep. I love me some Chelsea Handler. And no not in - a lesbian I want to be your girlfriend and scissor - kind of way. In a  - I seriously think we could bond over a bottle of Belvedere and be best friends forever and make fun of everyone around us – kind of way.

I seriously love her. I’ve read all of her books. Several times. I DVR her show every night, and watch it when I get home from work and laugh along with her and her round table as if I’m in the audience. I DVR her interviews, follow her on Twitter and Facebook. I pay crap tons of money to see her live. And better than anything I will be throwing some bow’s this Friday outside the Chastain theater in the good ole ATL in order to meet her and get her to sign one of her books.

Yes for the second time I am dropping the $$$ to see my favorite comedian live (not including gas to get there, and the vat of wine I will be consuming as I watch her). But every penny not spent correcting my 2 inches of dirty blonde roots is worth it to see her slur on stage, kick off her heels and proceed to annihilate everyone that is stupid in the world.

On this tour I will seriously drop kick some bitches to be lucky enough to get her sloppy crazy blonde self to sign my book and meet me and love me take a picture with me that I will frame and put on my mantle. Or I will just get to drunkily tell her how kick ass she is, and how much I respect her and how important I think she is for women. Because all of the joking aside, we need a ballsy, loud mouthed, successful female, who isn’t politically correct, and doesn’t take shit from anyone. She is one of the funniest comedians around period. And I unashamedly love that bitch.  

I hope my bonerific girl on girl lovin didn’t ruin your Tuesday…..

…I think I need a cigarette.

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