Monday, June 6, 2011

Monday Crack.

Whats up bitches kind people who read this blog!!!!!!

Happy Monday??! Ehh.. not feeling it?! Me either. Monday blows, and anyone out there in the Universe that tries to deny that fact are complete liars!

One thing that is positive on this Monday is that I have a new obsession.

Thanks to Belle I cannot stop thinking about, reading, talking about the damn Hunger Games.

If you people haven’t heard about them or read these books you are sorely missing out. They are the crack to my sorely empty fantasy/Harry Potter/apocalyptic world pipe. I just love em. Seriously people. I read the first book in one day, and in even fewer hours.

So get with the program, and download em to your Kindle, dust off your library card, or pick up your lazy ass and take it to Barnes and Noble and hook yourself up! It's an addiction that won't give you face sores. Win- win in my book!

I promise you’ll be happy you did!

Oh and PS - They are making a movie, so hurry your ass up and read it before the movie comes out!

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