Tuesday, June 7, 2011

I've Got it BAD. Great.

UGH, so it’s happened. The one thing I wasn’t sure my cynical ass could handle has slapped me in the face with a 2 by 4. I’m in love. Or in lust. Or I’m just a dog in heat, but either way I am ABSOLUTELY, obsessively smitten with someone. Oh god, it’s grossing me out even just writing that. Who am I all of a sudden?! I’m smiling all the time, saying mushy things all day, happy as a clam. I have lost half my wit and sarcastic comments because, “oh everything is butterflies and rainbows when you’re in love.” Woof. This love stuff is for the birds. The only great thing about this brand new little love fest is my loss of appetite. Sure, I’ll feel sick to my stomach all day long just in time to pull operation starvation for bathing suit season. SCORE. The loss of sleep I could completely do without, as I am going through the motions of my day looking like a zombie pothead.

The funny thing is, I didn’t even KNOW it was possible to feel like this. Having someone feel exactly the same way about you at exactly the same time is such a new thing for me. Typically if someone was this far up my ass -this soon- it would completely turn me off. But, it’s not. In fact, I CAN’T GET ENOUGH of this guy. Jesus Christ. I’m pretty sure he roofied me with some love potion on Sunday when he bought me a beer because this is BIZZARE. I guess I’ll just stop being such a little B and enjoy it for now because we all know this won’t last. Unless of course you are my girl, Mrs. Two Buck Chuck and I can only hope I am that lucky to keep it going through my marriage. Oh balls - there it is again, that sappy shit I’ve been doing all week. Yuck, I think I need to remove cupid’s arrow from my ass.

1 comment:

  1. Here I am writing about chopping up bodies and you're grining from ear to ear and writing about LOVE. BARF!
