Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Self Help for Whiny Bitches

I’m giving myself a swift kick in the pants today. Yes, you read that correctly. I am giving myself a kick in the pants.

For what? ask. For being a whiny brat complaining about what I don’t like in my life instead of stepping up to the plate and just doing something about it. I’ve been frustrated with so many aspects of my life lately…work, relationship, home, finances, fitness…and I’ve been letting it eat me alive. I’ve been taking out my anger and frustration on everyone else but myself.

I finally realized what was going on when I literally raged all night in my dreams. I barely got any sleep and when I did I was pissed at the world in my dreams. I woke up in the mood to rip people’s heads off. It was not pleasant. Thank God no one was around at 5:00 am this morning because it could have gotten super ugly. Apparently my subconscious knew what was going on with me…it just took my conscious a while to catch up.

One of my major frustrations has been work lately. I would say it’s at the top of my list right now. There’s been some drama going down and I’m not really a fan of drama in the workplace. But honestly, I think the biggest problem is that I don’t feel like I’m learning. I’m still fairly new in my career and I have high ambitions. I don’t want to just work a job to put it on my resume. I want to grow and learn so that I am that much closer to the next position. When the next opportunity opens up, I want to make sure I am 100% ready for it.

This whole not growing thing has made me feel trapped in all aspects of my life. Like I am literally suffocating in a dark, humid tunnel of never ending darkness. Not pleasant right? Rather than continuing to let it get me down, I have vowed to do something about.

I’m taking my own life into my own hands and making it what I want it to be. No more excuses…just positive actions and thoughts.

First step, I’m going to train myself for my next position. I’m giving myself a project to do everyday I work that will help me grow. (It helps that our training program is located on a common drive at work for the world to see.) It’s basically a self-guided program anyways…so I’m just going to start it on my own since they won’t let me “formally” begin my training.

More to follow on the plans I have for the other areas…some I know what to do…others I’m still working on figuring out how to approach.

Stay tuned J

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