Thursday, February 9, 2012

On the Verge...of the 3 Words

There comes a time in every relationship when you debate when you should say the BIG 3 words……I Love You.  This is a very important step and should not be taken lightly OR thrown out too soon for fear of rejection or your partner not being at that step yet.  It’s a slippery slope these 3 words….once you say them you can never take them back and if your partner doesn’t feel the same you can never brush it off.  So, how does one know when the right time to say them is?? I feel like I am in the place to shout them from the roof top, but my southern upbringing is forcing me to wait for him to say them first.  For now, I think I will rest of the laurels of the old adage (which hasn’t led me wrong yet) “When its right…you will know”

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