Friday, February 24, 2012


I LOOVVVEEEE a good EF YOU song!  I know the Grammys are yesterday’s news, but nothing made me happier than to watch Taylor sweetly tell her haters to EF off, Katy to tell her ex to EF off and Adele to tell her ex to EF off!  Seriously – imagine that YOU’RE the loser that broke up with ADELE!  Dip shit.  Katy's "you can keep the ring" eff off song was definitely my favorite.  I MAY have rewound it a few times.  In case you missed it, enjoy:

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Job Hunting is a Bitch

I think we can all agree this economy sucks lame dick these days.   In a world where no ones job is safe, its hard not to always be on the look-out for a new job.  I find myself continually looking at job boards searching for new employees.  We all know I hate the fucking bitches I work for and would LOVE to startin fresh somewhere.  BUT the reality of that is….its fucking hard out therrre fo a applicant.  You can send out 100 resumes and maybe get 1 call back.  AND you can FORGET about relocation…….trying to find a job in another city is like dropping a coin in a fountain for a wish……Good FUCKING LUCK lady.  Basically, the moral of this story is I have resorted to my resume being complete fiction….lets hope it works ;-)
Wish me luck girls AHAHA!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Survival of the Fittest

As a newly single lady in my upper  twenties, it is becoming more and more apparent that I cannot date just any old Tom or Jerry on the street. 

Back in the day, if I thought my local bartender was a hottie, I may let him take me out.  Or, if I thought the guy valeting my car was worth a drink, I’d let him buy me one.  Now, it’s a whole new ball game.

Upper twenties is the get serious age.  I now can only date guys who have established themselves.  They must work a good job, have good friends and live outside of a frat house. 

I’m allowed to have such criteria because I am established, have a good job, good friends and no longer live with 30 other girls in my sorority house. 

The problem, is it takes so much more work to find the kind of guys who make the cut.  It wipes away a whole selection of available men.  The good news, is I get to spend less time dating losers.

Oh being old is so much more complicated!!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

WTF Grammys?

Truly the weirdest seating arrangement ever.  I literally could not pick 2 more POLAR OPPOSITE people.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Last Minute V-Day

Attention Everyone:

I am officially the world’s biggest procrastinator.

I’m cooking the beau dinner tomorrow night for V-Day and may be a little stressed because 1) I have yet to buy a single thing for it…2) it’s all new menu items I’ve never made (potential for disaster is super high)…and 3) I haven’t bought a card or any mushy romantic item to give him yet. Ooops.

I’m currently menu planning and about to brave the crowds at Target, Trader Joe’s and Harris Teeter so there’s no real time for a proper post.

Instead here’s a sneak peak at the menu:

Appetizer: Truffle Mac and Cheese
Salad: Spinach Salad with Feta and a Bacon Vinaigrette
Entrée: Braised Short Ribs with Roasted Rosemary Potatoes and Carrots
Dessert: ?

…and a Valentine pic.


Thursday, February 9, 2012

Holla at the Dolla.

Happy Thirsty Thursday my friends!!

I have a confession. I like love am obseesed need it to survive love to shop. But let me say, I am a damn good at it. I can find a discount to anywhere, scour vintage markets, and thrift stores, find online deals for free shipping and percentages off.

Though I complain about never having “enough” clothing, my closets are bursting at the seams.

To build your wardrobe the two-buck chuck way, follow a few of my shopping tips ….

  1. – This site lets you search by your favorite store, and has reader approved discount codes and the percentage of people it worked for. I've gotten some of my best deals online using them.
  2. TJ to the Maxx – or Marshalls, or Ross… you know what I’m talking about. Discount clothing. I’ve gotten some fabulous work clothes here. Designer dress pants, inexpensive winter coats. And by far the best for me has been the discount racks… almost “too” trendy clothing slashed to single digit pricing.
  3. While we are on the work clothes tip, one of my biggest tips is buy clothing with dual purposes. I know everyone won’t wear to work what they will to the club, but there is duality to most clothing. Even if it’s just a wild top you can tuck under a blazer or cardigan for the office, the more you are willing to double up the more money you will save.
  4. Join rewards programs. For me this specifically means DSW. But tons of places offer points when you continuously buy from them. I get $5, $10, $15 coupons to DSW in the mail all the time. And I can almost always find the exact shoes I want there.
  5. The key to this whole game is to scavenge, hunt, and score. I will NEVER buy something before I have checked at least 5 different sources. And combined multiple discounts…. Example: When I get a DSW coupon for $15 off, that will be my starting point. Because I am a rewards member I automatically get free shipping when I spend $35. Then I will determine if there are any other promos going on. I will then search Retailmenot for any codes anyone has posted and use as much as possible. My last purchase I got Free shipping, $10 off, and I found a code on Retailmenot that if I spent $49 I would get an additional $20 off. I ended up getting $100 worth of shoes, for about $30 bucks. DEAL. And my shoe closet gets another friend.
  6. Freebie tips : Nordstrom ALWAYS offers free two shipping, Zappos will ship OVERNIGHT for free, TJ Maxx gets their new shipments on Tuesdays, always has HUGE discounts on Retailmenot, Macys mailing list sends out crazy discount coupons that you can use to big ticket items. Your welcome.

I know that seems like a lot of work. But I think looking and feeling good is worth it. After all it leaves me more money for my wine.

On the Verge...of the 3 Words

There comes a time in every relationship when you debate when you should say the BIG 3 words……I Love You.  This is a very important step and should not be taken lightly OR thrown out too soon for fear of rejection or your partner not being at that step yet.  It’s a slippery slope these 3 words….once you say them you can never take them back and if your partner doesn’t feel the same you can never brush it off.  So, how does one know when the right time to say them is?? I feel like I am in the place to shout them from the roof top, but my southern upbringing is forcing me to wait for him to say them first.  For now, I think I will rest of the laurels of the old adage (which hasn’t led me wrong yet) “When its right…you will know”